Alhamdulillah today was just such a lovely day. I got the chance to enjoy this day. RA, AH, IK, SJ, DR, and I went out this noon to see one of our friend (BU) who was staying in hospital due to illness. We borrow cak S' car to go to the hospital. Actually we can go there later in the afternoon (after office hour) but we were just making an excuse to go there at noon so that we can go out office for lunch... he he he (ain't that smart?!!). Anyway, our boss didn't come to the office today so... we might as well get away from the routine while we can. :)
I got on a sedan behind the wheel and ready to go to Depok to see one of our friend who was just gave a premature birth to her first baby. I take a little pray for assuring myself that the journey will went well... also because this was the first time i actually drive a sedan on a highway... he he he... The first three minutes i was a little worry but as soon as i got my hand on the wheel and get used to the sedan environment i found myself on a new exciting experience. What do you know ... it turn out that all those worry was simply just because i haven't try it before.
Thanks to my dear new friend, mbak Esty, who's happen to be ERP consultant at my office, gw jadi bisa merubah penampilan profile gw di friendster. Ternyata gampang banget deh :) It's so simple, i'm sure ya'll can do it yourself.
What i do is ... dari bagian tombol control panel (yg ada di bawah foto kita di tab PROFILE), klik tombol CUSTOMIZE PAGE ... akan muncul page untuk customization ... scroll down sampai ke bagian Advanced Customization - Customize CSS ... click link Customize with CSS editor ... akan muncul website Friendster Profile Editor ... di tab PROFILE EDITOR kita bisa atur tampilan friendster kita sesuai keinginan. Kita cukup ikuti aja keterangan disitu trus setting deh. Kalo pengen background-nya pake gambar cukup copy link image-nya di bagian PAGE BACKGROUND kolom: Image URL (e.g., ''). Trus kalo blum punya gambar yg udah di-upload, kita bisa upload gambar punya kita sendiri via website website Friendster Profile Editor yg sama dengan klik tab BACKGROUND IMAGE trus ikutin deh petunjuknya (Browse --> Upload) sampe muncul link dari image yg kita upload tsb. Jangan lupa untuk copy link image yg paling akhir ya... (secara banyak banget muncul link image itu)... trus paste di bagian yg tadi udah disebutin.
Kalo udah puas dengan settingan2 itu, scroll down sampe ketemu tombol yg ada link-nya: GENERATE FRIENDSTER CODE, klik deh trus tunggu sampe website memunculkan code CSS-nya. Trus kalo mo liat contoh hasilnya tinggal klik tombol link PREVIEW. Kita bisa liat apakah hasil settingan kita tadi udah sesuai dengan keinginan kita atau belum, kalo belum, ya tinggal balik lagi ke website Friendster Profile Editor trus "oprek2" deh tuh settingan trus generate and preview lagi sampe puas ... :)
Kalo udah "nemu" formula code CSS yg sesuai, copy ajah code tsb trus balik lagi ke window yg ada website Friendster - Customize Page kita trus di bagian Advanced Customization - Customize CSS, kita paste code CSS tsb. Selanjutnya tinggal klik tombol SAVE, tunggu sebentar sampe muncul pemberitahuan sukses trus klik View Profile... whoooalaaa... langsung terlihat perbedaannya profile friendster kita After Make Over ...
Selamat mencoba :)