Have you ever think that everything that happen to us is not a coincidence? It really is not a coincidence. Nothing in this world is happening because of coincidence. Because there is ALLAH (God) Who rules all things and put all things together to even a small pieces which sometimes we human felt it like useless things.
I am saying you this because i have proven it myself. ALLAH really help me in getting things and event in my life the best way according to Him and suits me well. For example, i had an idea to register and install an ADSL connection in my home because i was used to have a dial-up connection at my home and it was so annoying. Firstly, i thought it would be difficult to install ADSL not to mention it would cost more money in the first installment. But somehow i manage myself to register online to one of ADSL provider via their website. After that, the next few days i have a second thought of canceling my registration to that provider because when i gathered information from web about that provider, i read many complain and disadvantage which then makes me think of changing to other provider. What happen next is i got a call from that provider's marketing who offer me to take care of registration include with the hardware supply and instalation without me have to bother going to their place. So, i said ok because at that time i don't have enough opportunity to go elsewhere at working time (it's not easy to get permission to leave from office in working hour).
Then they came to my house when it was holiday because it was on independence day. They had me to sign few paper and hand me the modem right after i hand them offer the installment fee. Btw, the modem is included in the installment cost and still it is cheaper than the price of a single modem if i bought it separately. The next 2 days, there are few people come to my house to install the modem and the connection and then i can start to use the internet using ADSL connection. And Subhanallah it is realy faster than when i used dial-up connection.
And the more advantage is yet to come when the next morning i got a phone call from the marketing that i got a discount for the registration fee which i have already pay. Guess what... it was supposed to be free of charge since i was regitered at the same day as our country's independece day. So, i can get my registration money back and only pay for the modem price which still a lot cheaper than if i bought it separately at the first place anyway.
What a coincidence you say? .... No way guys!!! Because i trully believe that everything that happen to us is well-planned by ALLAH and it will bring best things to us.
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