Peynirli Ekmek (Roti Panggang Keju)

Masakan Turki
1 - 2 Porsi

İngredients (Bahan):
1 Turkish bread (roti turki)
For topping:
1-2 slices of feta cheese (keju putih)
1 eggs (telur)
1 tbs butter (mentega)
2 tbs chopped parsley (peterseli cincang)

How to Cook (Cara Memasak):
Slice the bread into several part (potong roti turki menjadi beberapa bagian).
Mix the ingredients for the topping (campur bahan untuk olesan dan aduk hingga merata).
Spread the topping equaly on to the bread (oleskan adonan tadi di atas potongan roti hingga merata).
Roast the bread until it gets to be a bit brown (panggang/bakar roti hingga warna kecoklatan).
Serve while it warm (sajikan selagi hangat).


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